Mar. 15, 2020 , 7:00 PM By Linda Nordling CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA—Late on Sunday evening, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, in a televised address to the nation, declared that COVID-19, the respiratory disease spreading globally, had become a “national disaster.” The declaration allows his government to access special funding and instigate harsh regulations to combat
8 mars, 2020 Ousmane Dieng L’Afrique vit une inquiétude grandissante face à la pandémie du COVID-19, alimentée par des thèses et des antithèses crédibles aux hypothèses les plus farfelues. Il ne sert à rien de s’atteler dans des polémiques impertinentes et allons dans le sens d’un consensus autour de l’essentiel à savoir comment gérer la
Issued on: 01/04/2020 Michel Cabirol Le Quai d’Orsay s’interroge sur l’impact terrible que pourra avoir la crise du Covid-19 en Afrique. Le Centre d’analyse, de prévision et de stratégie évoque un possible effondrement des Etats en place et cherche d’ores et déjà des interlocuteurs fiables et légitimes. Chronique d’une implosion annoncée… Dans une note du Centre d’analyse,
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Gregory Chama Gregory Chama is the founder and CEO of City Drive Rent a Car Ltd, a Zambian company that offers vehicle rental solutions. “It’s really sad what’s going on. Our industry has been hard hit. I have fought many battles in my entrepreneurial journey but this pandemic
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Nwamaka Okoye Nwamaka Okoye is the co-founder and managing director of Housessories, a Nigerian furniture manufacturing and interior design company. “For over a week, watching what’s going on the news, I have grappled with the apparent conflict of making profit against the welfare of my people. The welfare
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Felix Mbugua Felix Mbugua is the co-founder and CEO of Legibra, a technology firm headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Legibra specialises in domain registration, hosting, website design, and web application development. “Covid-19 to the ICT industry is a sword that cuts both ways. If you look at it as
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Brigitha Faustin Brigitha Faustin is the managing director of OBRI Tanzania, a company that manufactures edible oils. “As I am operating in the agri-food space, empty shelves can be frightening but empty fields would be devastating. The pandemic has brought fear to most of us. We depend on
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Manuel Koser Manuel Koser is the co-founder and managing director of Silvertree Holdings, a South African-based investment firm that focuses on growing early and mid-stage companies. “This has been a crazy week in the world. To many of us it felt like a whole year in just a week.
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Jonas Schwarz Lausten Jonas Schwarz Lausten is the co-owner of Nordic Hotels, a collection of boutique hotels in Nigeria. “It’s clear that Covid-19 has an impact on the hospitality and travel industry, both locally in Nigeria and internationally. The financial impact can easily be characterised as devastating. “With
NELLY MURUNGI Issued on: 27 MARCH 2020 Feleg Tsegaye Feleg Tsegaye is the founder and president of Deliver Addis, an Ethiopian company that offers online food delivery services in partnership with restaurants. “A number of the restaurants we work with have almost completely stopped receiving walk-in customers, which majorly impacted their businesses. We’ve already seen
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